Step 1: Fill out inquiry form
The initial step for joining our great community at Outerbridge CrossFit is to get in touch with our Coach John Carstensen. Once filling out the form below you will then be contacted by a member of the Outebridge CrossFit team to set up your FREE trial class, which is typically held every other Saturday at 10am! This beginner style workout gives you a taste of what the workouts are like and how a normal class is run. Even if you have been working out for years this class must be attended before joining our Basic and Beginners Program which is the second of our 3 step process.
Step 2: Sign up on Wodify with Coach John and begin our “Basic and Beginner Program”
Wodify is our online tracking system for all athletes at Outerbridge CrossFit. This system keeps track of both your membership as well as performance at the gym. The Basic and Beginners Program (B&B) are specifically scheduled class days that give you the tools and know how to perform in one of our CrossFit classes. These classes don’t necessarily have to do with your physical ability but more to learn our foundational movements (typically 6-8 classes before coming proficient) . Some of our movements are very basic, and you may have seen or done before but others are very technical and if not learned correctly can cause injury. Our philosophy at Outerbridge CrossFit is to keep everyone safe, put people in the best shape of their lives, and have fun! Hence attending our B&B classes are crucial to your success.
Step 3: Up to you!
Outerbridge CrossFit is going to give you all the tools you need to become the fittest you have ever been. As long as you walk in the door and push yourself, performance and fitness gains will happen. Everyone moves at their own pace so do not be intimidated. You will have fun and make new friends along the way!
Hope to see you soon.
Thank you, John.